Export Insurance Program Crucial for Washington Wine Industry
Export Insurance Program Crucial for Washington Wine IndustryI’m Lacy Gray with Washington Ag Today.
Marty Clubb, winemaker and co-owner of L’Ecole No. 41 winery based in Loden, was host this week to U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell and numerous members of the media as we toured that award winning family owned winery. In speaking with the group Clubb explained how important the Export-Import Bank has been to his business.
CLUBB: We started exporting our wines 10 - 15 years ago, but as we eventually built that business up we were nervous about the risks involved in selling wine abroad - if someone didn’t pay us, then how would we possibly apply for a claim. So as our international program grew we then learned about the Export Insurance Program through Export-Import Bank and became a client.
Currently they sell roughly 10% of their wines through export.
CLUBB: In terms of size that’s today about 4,000 cases, but that could grow to 10,000 cases over time. We don’t compete in a regional area or even a national area - we compete on a global platform, and your reputation for your region, your reputation as a brand is built internationally.
In fact, L’Ecole No. 41’s new Ferguson Estate wine was recently named best Bordeaux blend in the world at the Decanter World Wine Awards.
CLUBB: We’ve had a lot of phone calls from potential importers in Europe and in Asia now really excited about bringing L’Ecole into their markets. So the time is right. We’re just at that point in our growth as an industry where more wineries are going to be looking at selling wines in Europe, selling wines in Asia because of the importance of building your brands internationally.
That’s Washington Ag Today.
I’m Lacy Gray on the Ag Information Network.