2015 USPB Board Member Nominations
The United States Potato Board announced earlier this month that nominations are now open for new Board Members for the 2015-2018 term. ?All state potato organizations have received the information and materials to begin the process of seeking and nominating interested growers. ?Idaho Potato Commission's Industry Relations Director Travis Blacker shares more about the role of the USPB.?Blacker: "It is the United States Potato Board's role to increase demand worldwide for U.S. potatoes. So the Potato Board over the years has implemented programs to help with this. Very influential in educating the world on why to buy U.S. potatoes in all forms: fresh potatoes, seed potatoes, frozen potatoes, dehydrated potatoes and it is working — exports are going up each year."?Blacker urges growers to consider serving on the national board.?Blacker: "Well, its a great opportunity to give back and serve the industry. This is a grower program so the United States Potato Board uses their funds to run this program. Every potato grower in the United States supports this with their assessments so it is important for them to weigh in on how they spend their money."?If you are an eligible potato grower and interested in serving on the board, contact your state's potato commission for more information.