Farm Bill Delays & Adults Eating Better plus Nutrient Management

Farm Bill Delays & Adults Eating Better plus Nutrient Management

Farm Bill Delays & Adults Eating Better plus Nutrient Management. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report.

It appears things will come down to the wire once again for the passage of a comprehensive farm bill or the Food, Farms and Jobs Act. The current extension expires at the end of this month and according to Washington Congressman, Doc Hastings there are still some sticking points.

HASTINGS: Both the House and the Senate are not in session next week so the earliest would be the week after that. There seems to be issues that are popping up that are related that weren't anticipated before. The latest issue has to do with catfish farming now in Mississippi. Whether that is a big problem that can't be overcome when we come back week after next, I don't know.

And a new report by USDA's Economic Revenue Service shows that more adults are eating meals at home and there were significant changes in overall diet quality between 2005-06 and 2009-10. Calorie intake was also down due to eating more meals at home. The time period of the study includes the recession which may have had a factor. The complete report is available from the website.

Now, learning the 4-R's of nutrient management. Rod Bain has the story.

(USDA Report)

Thanks Rod. That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.

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