Food Stamp Cuts & Arnold's a Ranger
Food Stamp Cuts & Arnold's a Ranger plus Food Forethought. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report.Temporary food stamp benefits that were a part of the 2009 economic stimulus are no longer available as of last Friday. Some 47 million Americans are affected and it means that a family of four receiving food stamps will start receiving $36 less a month. No one is quite sure how the food stamp programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program will fare as new talks got underway last week on the farm bill which includes the nutrition programs. In the meantime Americans receiving benefits will have to tighten their belts.
Bodybuilder, film star and former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has a new title to boast about, honorary U.S. Forest Service Forest Ranger. The U.S. Forest Service bestowed Schwarzenegger, known in bodybuilding circles as the Austrian Oak, with the honorary title for his work in tackling issue of climate change and wildfires.
SCHWARZENEGGER: One time we had 200 fires in California simultaneously. Only 2 years later we have 2012 fires. I've seen first hand the kind of devastating fires that we have in California. I also have seen what climate change has done.
Now with today's Food Forethought, here's Lacy Gray.
This past weekend wrapped up the 86th National FFA Convention held at the Kentucky Expo Center. More than 50 thousand young men and women attended this year's convention where the theme was "Ignite". The first session opened with words familiar to those who have attended national, state, or even local chapter FFA meetings: "FFA members, why are we here?" Those attending each have their own individual reasons for being there - for becoming FFA members, but there is one common goal that resonates with all FFA members and that is to continually improve and expand the face of agriculture while promoting the importance of agriculture around the globe. Originally founded in Kansas City in 1928 the FFA has come to embody everything that first group of young farmers envisioned - an organization dedicated to "preparing future generations for the challenges of feeding a growing population". Interestingly, FFA receives no federal funding, its programs are funded through sponsorships and private donations at the local, state and national level. FFA has also managed to keep its national dues for each member at a low $7 per year, assuring that a desire to join is not impeded by financial hardship.
Thanks Lacy. That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.