Action Needed on Farm Bill

Action Needed on Farm Bill

On Tuesday, Washington’s U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell visited a Spokane Grain inspection center which was the backdrop to her message about the Farm Bill: Action is needed.

Cantwell says it is critical to pass the Farm Bill and get it on the president’s desk by September 30th. She stresses that passage of a Farm Bill is far more favorable outcome than a second extension of the 2008 Farm Bill.

Marci Green a sixth generation Washington Wheat farmer who also attended the event on Tuesday shares one of the crucial components in the farm bill that affect her family’s farming operation.

Green: “Our farm is impacted by many areas of the farm bill. One of the most direct ways is through crop insurance. We are an industry with high known expenses and volatile unknown income. Our income is influenced by weather, economy and global politics -- none of which can be controlled on our farm. Federal crop insurance is a tool we can use to manage that risk.”

Green says the Conservation Programs are also important.

Green: “These have helped us to transition our farm to no-till and minimal tillage methods. These programs help us also once we get started these methods to continue these tools and so we’ve made improvements to our spraying operations as well; reducing drift and the overall amount of chemicals we use.”

Farmers and ranchers -- call your legislators and tell them how important it is to agriculture to pass the Farm Bill.

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