Winerywise Workshops

Winerywise Workshops

Winerywise™ Workshops. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Fruit Grower Report.

Wine grape growers will want to sign up for a new series of seminars being presented by Winerywise™. Judy Thoet, is the Winerywise™ Consulting Winemaker.

THOET: Last July Winerywise™ did a similar series and at that time basically we were introducing Winerywise™ to the wine industry. So essentially what we are going to be doing is talking about some of the trials we’ve had going on at Washington wineries throughout 2012.

Those trials have been going on all year.

THOET: We’re going to present the results of these trials to the attendants so that they can see how they can actually take some winery sustainability practices and put them into place in their own wineries; see how they work - and even better, how they can reduce some of their costs.

Attendees will also hear about the science behind some sustainability practices.

THOET: And we’re also going to be introducing the participants to our new winery health and safety website that just completed development at the beginning of this year and is now available for all Washington wineries. We’re also going to have someone come in and talk about LIVE which is the low input viticulture and enology group and they are the agency that certifies wineries to be sustainable.

That’s today’s Fruit Grower Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network. 

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