Another Layer of Protection
Another Layer of Protection. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Line On Agriculture.
If you are over 40 you probably can remember a time when we never bothered locking up anything. We always left the car unlocked in the driveway and never locked the house unless we were gone on vacation. We just never had to worry about things disappearing from the yard or otherwise. But that is not the case today as thieves target just about anything that is not locked or bolted down and scrap metal has recently become the hot button. Farmers and ranchers are especially vulnerable since things like irrigation pipe is left unattended out in fields far away from the owners watchful eyes. Now it should be a bit more difficult to unload the hot goods at scrap dealers as tighter records are going to be kept according to the Idaho Farm Bureau’s Jake Putnam.
PUTNAM: This is a really interesting piece of legislation over at the Statehouse. Now this particular bill would require scrap metal dealers to take photos of people who sell them scrap metal. All the stuff that they bring in such as copper wire and pieces of irrigation pipe that have been brought in. What this bill would require them to do is take a picture and get the record information from those people and then hopefully if there is a theft reported it’s a lot easier to figure out where this came from and who is responsible and it gives farmers and ranchers another layer of support, it gives them a safety net to protect them from thieves.
That’s today’s Line On Agriculture. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.