Education Alliances

Education Alliances

You know what they say about assuming anything, don’t. Many agricultural businesses have been finding this out the hard way. In a perfect world all consumers would know the truth regarding the foods they eat, the clothes they wear, and the items in their house or office that they use on a daily basis. Sadly, this just isn’t so. Too often we’re taken in by the latest and greatest fad, or smear campaign geared towards turning our attention and our hard earned dollars in a desired, albeit misguided direction. Potato growers, pork and beef producers, and many others in the ag industry have found it necessary to create education and research alliances in order to defend their products and educate consumers regarding the healthy and nutritional benefits of their products.  Who would have ever thought that potatoes would have to go on the defensive? But that defensive posture has brought about The Alliance for Potato Research and Education, uniting the potato industry and creating a more informed consumer, a consumer that knows potatoes are an important part of a healthy diet.  Bringing to mind another old saying, “every cloud has a silver lining”. 

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