Only in America

Only in America

 See if this makes sense to you. Several food-processing workers were fired due to their failure to correct or respond to their employer over errors in their Social Security data; basically they gave false numbers and then wouldn’t, or probably more accurately, couldn’t provide valid SS numbers. In response to their being fired they began holding public demonstrations against the company for being an “abusive and racist employer”.  No, it doesn’t make sense, to me, or to Overhill Farms, the company that fired them. So, Overhill Farms filed a defamation and attempted extortion lawsuit against the terminated workers, and guess what, the judge upheld Overhill Farms right to sue. Of course now these ex-employees are asking the courts to overturn that ruling stating they’re claims of racism fall under constitutionally protected free speech opinion rights. So, these angry ex-employees, who remember, can not provide valid Social Security data, are demanding constitutional rights and are actually being allowed to tie up the court system. Making sense yet? No, didn’t think so. I guess lucky for us and them this could only happen in America. 

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