Anyone else have a problem with self-appointed food gurus telling us what to eat or drink? Yep, I thought so. And it's even more annoying and troublesome to be told what we should or should not eat by someone whose obvious discipline is "do as I say, not as I do". Kelly Brownell, Yale University professor and the mind behind the proposed "Twinkie tax", is one of the loudest members of the food police coalition, and he is also one of the biggest or roundest members, to be more precise. His suggestion for curing America of its obesity problem is to impose high "sin" taxes on such foods as cookies and cakes, chips, certain dairy products, sodas, and even hamburgers; in turn making healthier foods seem more affordable and appealing. But someone should point out to Mr. Brownell that this mind bending isn't the answer to overeating, a perfect example being Brownell himself. As a Yale professor he most assuredly makes a hefty salary, no pun intended, and could afford the costliest of health foods and exercise regimes, yet that hasn't stopped him from acquiring a massive girth. The answer to anyone's obesity problem has always been and remains in their taking responsibility for their own health and lifestyle choices.