Spring in the Vineyards

Spring in the Vineyards

Welcome to Vine to Wine this is your host Linda Moran. Although it is only March, and it may seem quiet in wine country, right now there is actually a lot going on. Today let's take a look into the vineyards and tomorrow we will take a look at what is happening behind the scenes at the wineries. You know with the weather still trying to figure out if it is spring or winter you may wonder what is happening in the vineyards. Well I asked a couple of vineyard managers what they are up to right now, and I was actually quite surprised to hear how busy they are. Apparently, for over a month now, all hands have been in the vineyards pruning the vines and repairing any trellising that may have been damaged over the previous year. It is all done by hand and to me actually sounds like quite tedious and back breaking work. Cleaning up the vineyards is necessary to prepare for the onset of spring and the cultivation and control of new growth on the vines. In addition to caring for existing vineyards, it is time to plant new vineyards and this is a tricky proposition. For one, the weather on the day of planting has to be nearly perfect. There cannot be too much of a breeze, as it will dry out the new little roots of the starts being planted. Next it cannot be too cold, the temperatures need to be fairly well above freezing as again the new roots are sensitive and will not be happy if the soil is too cool. So in case it looks quiet in wine country there is actually a great deal going on. And thanks for joining me on today's Vine to Wine.
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