Suppose someone bound your hands and feet, blindfolded you, then expected you to perform your job as usual. Sounds pretty impossible doesn't it, and yet that seems to be exactly what is expected of our nation's farmers and ranchers on a daily basis. Every day brings yet another barrage of government regulations and restrictions, with government agencies duplicating and overlapping their own laws. This action in turn opens the door even wider to environmental activists, enabling them to file lawsuits over the minutest of perceived violations. Yes, rules need to be established to protect the environment. You would be hard pressed to find a farmer or rancher who would disagree. But when environmental protection regulations become so convoluted as to resemble a Jenga puzzle the burden on America's agricultural community becomes almost insurmountable. And like the game of Jenga, one wrong move can bring the whole thing toppling down. If agriculture is truly the backbone of this nation, why does the government seem hell bent on breaking that very backbone and spirit of the American farmer and rancher?