The recent announcement that the Center for Disease Control was finally able to track down where the most recent salmonella outbreak originated from through the victims shopper savings cards was a relief to many and a concern to only a few privacy advocates. If you are like me you may find yourself scratching your head in wonder at how anyone could find fault with an easier and quicker way to trace and identify cases of food poisoning. It would be great if food labeling and frequent government inspections of food production facilities was all it took to keep our overall food supply safe. Realistically those two things alone won't ensure food safety. There will probably never be a time when we will be able to shop with "blindfolds" on. The ability to track the source of E. Coli tainted foods quickly remains paramount, and the majority of American consumers agree that when food safety problems arise the government should be able to quickly and accurately trace food from production to sale. As with airport safety, we have to decide what we consider more important, our privacy or our lives. Frankly, I'm not ready or willing to carry the banner. "Give me privacy, or give me death".