Boy am I itching to get out and start planting a garden. My husband even caught the fever and stuck some butternut squash seeds from a store bought squash in some of those seed starter kits. He figured it would take a week or two for them to even show themselves. He had six very happy squash plants within three days! They have outgrown the starter container and he's not real sure what to do with them since its not quite warm enough to plant them out doors yet. I told him he could use them as a "trap crop". According to an article in Mother Earth News "using early plantings of squash as trap crops could attract nearly ninety percent of squash bugs in the area".Supposedly the key is to start the squash indoors and then transfer them to the garden even earlier than you normally would. Those greedy little squash bugs will hone in on them with their amazing squashy radar. When they do, you give them a one way ticket out of this world. Sounds like a great plan right? Who knew a first time from seed gardener would become so outraged at the thought of sacrificing his "babies"? Guess I'll be hunting up some empty garden pots and making room in the sunny dining room for some butternut squash plants!