Going to the Dogs

Going to the Dogs

Well, I have finally reached that age where I find myself asking the same questions I heard my parents and grandparents ask like, "Do I look like Fort Knox to you?", "Were you born in a barn?!", or "Has the world gone crazy?" That last one is a favorite and used quite frequently, especially when I read stories in the news like the one lately regarding Swiss citizens voting next week on a national referendum that will give animals the "right" to have an attorney act on their behalf in court. It may sound too ridiculous and bizarre to happen here in America but the White House's very own Cass Sunstein is a radical animal rights activisit. One of his, pardon the pun, "pet" causes is to establish legal rights and representation for wildlife, livestock and pets. He has even gone so far as to compare the treatment and care of livestock and family pets as "a form of unconscionable barbarity, in many ways morally akin to human slavery". I and many others I'm sure will be paying close attention to how the vote on animals' legal rights plays out in Switzerland. Hopefully, the American legal system will not "go to the dogs" any time soon.
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