Oldest Versus Healthiest

Oldest Versus Healthiest

If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it. That’s the basis behind the Paleo or Caveman Diet, the newest diet on the block that may actually be the oldest. And it probably isn’t so much a “diet” as a way of life. We’ve all had the experience of looking at the ingredients on food labels at the store and finding only a few listed that we actually recognize and know what they are, let alone are able to pronounce without sounding like a toddler. The Paleo Diet focuses on eating fresh, but not just fresh that pertains only to plants, it includes fresh meat and fish as well as fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts. With no pun intended, the Paleo Diet is a refreshing change to the “all vegetarian or nothing” mantra that we have been hearing from the “insistent fringe” for so long.  But it too has it’s own “fly in the ointment” in as far as the contemporary Paleolithic Diet excludes grains, legumes and dairy products. Bottom line, there is no “magic” diet. Eating healthy begins with food choices based on the nutritional recommended daily requirement from all five basic food groups, the ultimate key to that long  and healthy lifestyle we all desire.

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