Global Warming and I'm Freezing!

Global Warming and I'm Freezing!

Okay, for the record, they no longer refer to it as “Global Warming”; it’s now “Climate Change”. I imagine they, (they as in the ones who can’t predict the weather correctly from day to day but are predicting with what they declare is “beyond a shadow of a doubt accuracy” that due to human activity the ice caps are melting while we’re freezing and the world will end soon), they were tired of the question, “If global warming is for real why are we so COLD?” Wish I had the answer. Environmentalists will tell you burning fossil fuels and methane from agricultural activities will double greenhouse gases in the next century. But do CO2 fluctuations precede or follow global temperature changes?  We do know the world’s climate is constantly changing, has been since the time of the dinosaurs, when it was much warmer, and the Ice Age, when it was much, much colder. Agriculture would be one of the businesses most affected by global warming, by precipitating longer growing seasons, and enriching of the atmosphere with CO2 would fertilize plants and make for more vigorous growth. Even Al Gore has admitted that each time the earth’s ice retreated throughout history people grew more culturally advanced and prosperous.

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