A More Practical Christmas
As the song goes, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”. And no wonder since it is barley ten days away. With most people walking around looking like deer caught in the headlights you sometimes wonder if it really is the “the most wonderful time of the year”! Most of us have had to cut way back on our Christmas shopping lists this year and a more practical approach to gift giving has taken hold. Socks and work gloves will be a familiar stocking stuffer this year at our house as well as lip balm and hand lotion. There’s also been a noticed increase across the nation of people who are reaching out to those less fortunate than themselves by donating not only their financial support but their personal time as well at food banks and shelters. The compassionate attitude of “there but for the grace of God go I” hasn’t been as prevalent in our country since the 1930’s. We’re finding during these tough economic times that the holidays don’t have to be about the biggest and most expensive gifts. Some of the most beautiful gifts are completely free. As a character from one of my favorite holiday cartoons succinctly states, “perhaps Christmas doesn’t come from a store, perhaps Christmas means a little bit more”.