Food & Wine
Welcome to Vine to Wine this is your host Linda Moran and today is Food & Wine pairing day. Since we have been talking about Italian wines for summer all week I figure I might as well share a favorite Italian recipe and of course the wine that goes with it.
I am one of those people who loves to cook outdoors on the grill. Italian foods are not always thought of as grilled, but let me tell you it’s not all meatballs and pasta. In fact my sister makes her pizzas on the grill. In fact she and her husband did a cook off. They made his and her pizzas for us to cast votes for our favorite. I brought the wine. Pizza is really very good when using all of the fresh veggies of the summer, and with tomatoes coming on, I advise you make or buy some pizza dough. First, I recommend you keep it simple not too many ingredients. Fresh basil is a must and with grilled veggies on the top of your pizza a simple Chianti Classico Riserva will do the job nicely. If you like cheese or cream sauces as your style of pizza try a Soave Superiore or a Verdicchio. If you are a meat lover by all means look at a domestic Sangiovese made in Washington state they have usually spent some time in oak and they are super with Italian sausage and pepperoni. There are lots of recipes and instruction s on the web for pizza on the grill – give it a shot and Enjoy! Remember to send your wine questions to Linda at vine to wine dot net and thanks for joining me on today’s Vine to Wine.