Welcome to Vine to Wine this is your host Linda Moran and today is Food & Wine pairing day. I want to share a favorite recipe and of course the wine that goes with it.
Okay so this week is all about a stop I made in Walla Walla at Skylite Cellars I mean first the great white blend of Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Gris and then the Reserve winning the prestigious Renaud Tastevin Gold Medal and now my food and wine choice for the week. You know we are about to enter into the season when peaches are king. You know when you bite into the one that the juice just runs down your arm and you are not annoyed you are in heaven. Well when you bring them home be sure to plan a dessert made by cutting the peach in half and placing it center down on a hot barbecue grill. Just sear it and get it warm do not let it get mushy. It should just caramelize. Then put a dollop of marscapone cheese that has benn whipped with a touch of vanilla. Drizzle over the top of it with some Skylite Cellars 2006 Late Harvest Sauvignon Blanc and serve a little glass with it as well.You will truly have an out of body experience. It is a lovely wine with so much perfume and perfectly balanced in sweetness to acidity that although sweet it is not cloying at all. Enjoy! Remember to send your wine questions to Linda at vine to wine dot net and thanks for joining me on today’s Vine to Wine.