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37 Results
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
In spite of calls for their removal, dams on the Snake River have little impact on the survival rate of migrating Chinook salmon, according to scientists at British Columbia-based Kintama Research.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
In spite of calls for their removal, dams on the Snake River have little impact on the survival rate of migrating Chinook salmon, according to scientists at British Columbia-based Kintama Research.
The Agribusiness Update
California’s Salton Sea has been fed since 1905 primarily by water runoff from ag operations but flows to the lake have decreased and dust pollution increased, and after several automakers announced last year, they’d removed or planned to remove AM radio from electric vehicles, the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act was introduced.
The Agribusiness Update
California’s Salton Sea has been fed since 1905 primarily by water runoff from ag operations but flows to the lake have decreased and dust pollution increased, and after several automakers announced last year, they’d removed or planned to remove AM radio from electric vehicles, the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act was introduced.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
In spite of calls for their removal, dams on the Snake River have little impact on the survival rate of migrating Chinook salmon, according to Scientists at British Columbia-based Kintama Research.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
In spite of calls for their removal, dams on the Snake River have little impact on the survival rate of migrating Chinook salmon, according to Scientists at British Columbia-based Kintama Research.
The Agribusiness Update
With a respite from stormy weather, California farmers say they’re surveying for damage in fields and orchards, and USDA's National Ag Statistics Service announced the 2022 Census of Agriculture results.
The Agribusiness Update
During the Georgia Cotton Commission Annual Meeting, state cotton growers heard from the GCC, the National Ag Law Center, Cotton Council Int'l and Southern Cotton Growers, and USDA's National Ag Statistics Service announced the 2022 Census of Agriculture results.
The Agribusiness Update
Ag Commissioner Wilton Simpson announced the results of the Florida Department of Ag’s Hurricane Idalia impact on aquaculture, and for the first time in two weeks, the nation's average price of gasoline declined.
Fruit Grower Report
Syngenta's Mary Kay Thatcher takes a look back at the recent election and what it could mean for agriculture in the lame duck session and beyond.
Fruit Grower Report
Syngenta's Mary Kay Thatcher takes a look back at the recent election and what it could mean for agriculture in the lame duck session and beyond.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Michael, Torrey, founder of Torrey Advisory, says regardless of who controls Congress moving forward, it will still be hard to make changes to the upcoming Farm Bill.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Elections played out this week across states in America and many of those results could significantly impact agricultural policy over the next two years.
The Agribusiness Update
U.S. beef exports soared to yet another value record in March, and Winter Wheat growing regions face the possibility of another drought.
The Agribusiness Update
The cost of growing crops could outpace revenue for many farmers this year, and a federal judge denies two stays of the EPA's ban on chlorpyrifos.
The Agribusiness Update
California avocado harvest is to be robust, but questions water and input costs are still there, and cases of bird flu are still popping up in Eastern states.
Fruit Grower Report
It's only a matter of time before robotics are bringing in the apple crop, as Abundant Robotics brings its technology to Washington orchards.
Fruit Grower Report
It's only a matter of time before robotics are bringing in the apple crop, as Abundant Robotics brings its technology to Washington orchards.
The Agribusiness Update
Study shows biodiesel use may have health benefits, and farmers polled on Biden's goal of 50% greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.