Georgia Cotton Annual Meeting and USDA Census of Agriculture
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**During the Georgia Cotton Commission Annual Meeting, state cotton growers heard from the GCC, the National Agricultural Law Center, Cotton Council International and Southern Cotton Growers. reports, GCC Executive Director Taylor Sills reviewed the commission’s activities over the past year and its plans for 2024.
The GCC is providing $1.5 million in support of 18 different UGA research projects this year.
**USDA's National Ag Statistics Service announced the 2022 Census of Agriculture results.
The information collected directly from producers shows a continued decline in the total number of U.S. farms, but a rise in the number of new and beginning farmers.
The data shows there were 1.9 million farms and ranches, down 7% from 2017, with an average size of 463 acres, up 5%.
Family-owned and operated farms accounted for 95% of all U.S. farms.
**USDA says in the last decade, world agricultural output grew at an average annual rate of 1.94% per year, slower than the 2.74% growth rate over the prior decade or the 2.3%
over the past six decades.
The drop was tied primarily to a slowing rate of growth in agricultural Total Factor Productivity, which fell 1.4% per year in 2011-21 compared to 1.93% during the previous decade.