Search: physical
13 Results
13 Results
Idaho Ag Today
Matt Gellings broke both of his legs and couldn’t walk for six months after he crashed his snowmobile into a snow-covered stump in January of 2016.
Fruit Grower Report
Washington Winegrowers Convention, now called WineVit, goes virtual in March.
Fruit Grower Report
Tasting rooms in 28 Oregon counties have been given the go-ahead to reopen for on-premise wine consumption and purchases.
Fruit Grower Report
Tasting rooms in 28 Oregon counties have been given the go-ahead to reopen for on-premise wine consumption and purchases.
Fruit Grower Report
Tasting rooms in 28 Oregon counties have been given the go-ahead to reopen for on-premise wine consumption and purchases.
The Agribusiness Update
A second 90-day extension granted for Ag haulers mandate to use the Electronic Logging Device, and a judge critical of epidemiologists claim Roundup causes cancer.
Food Forethought
Many schools have taken it upon themselves to weigh and measure children at annual weigh-ins.
Food Forethought
Portion control is something that most of us aren't willing to own up to.
Food Forethought
Children who spend more time outside have improved physical activity levels, do better academically, and have better social skills.
Food Forethought
USDA's new school lunch standards have already hit a snag.
Food Forethought
Olympians eat several thousand calories more a day than the average person.
Food Forethought
Food activists continue to blame meat for the nation's rising obesity numbers.
Line on Agriculture
Besides being an actor, Denny Miller has taken aim at the diabetes epidemic in our kids.