There Has To Be A Better Way
I'm concerned that many schools have taken it upon themselves to weigh and measure children at annual weigh-ins, and then send reports home with the children telling the parents that their child’s body mass index is considered either healthy or unhealthy. Why have schools decided to take it upon themselves to become a family’s health care provider? If schools choose to serve healthier meals in their cafeterias and ban junk food snacks, wonderful! If they provide regular recesses and physical education classes to keep kids active during the long day, even better. But to put children through an embarrassing and stressful procedure such as a weigh-in is nothing short of cruel and insensitive. Let those people saying, if they’re not fat there shouldn’t be a problem, be the first ones to stand in line for a mandatory weigh-in and BMI at their place of employment. I have no doubt their tunes would quickly change. A low BMI does not a healthy person make. There has to be a better way to address the threat of childhood obesity than to submit children to embarrassing group weigh-ins. Why don’t we start with reintroducing being active in the great outdoors.