Search: collar
11 Results
11 Results
Idaho Ag Today
We all know about keeping our dogs in the yard with visual fencing. But wait…what about cattle. Well…
The Agribusiness Update
Need new fencing? A pilot program for virtual fencing that uses GPS enabled collars to monitor each animal's location, and the Congressional Budget Office released a second cost analysis for the revised AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act.
Idaho Ag Today
We all know about keeping our dogs in the yard with visual fencing. But wait…what about cattle.Well,,,
California Ag Today
“Halter technology is a powerful system that helps users precisely manage pasture to lift the performance of your grazing animals,” says Craig Piggot, founder and CEO of Halter.
Line on Agriculture
Nature Conservancy New Mexico Indigenous Partnership Program Director, John Woconda directs a virtual fencing project for tribes in New Mexico.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
OSU researchers use GPS collars to find out where grazing cattle hang out.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The first wolf is captured, collared, and released west of the Cascades in Skagit County.
Northwest Report
Yes, we are paying more for food but not by a lot...and a wolf thought to be dead has returned.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Many ranchers feel Fish and Wildlife's methods of wolf management are failing.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
SCCA demanding better protocols be put in place for sharing wolf collar data with producers in wolf pack areas.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The Wedge Pack has repeatedly attacked and killed livestock in northwestern Stevens County, and producers reminded of RMA fall crop sales closing dates.