Search: Nigh
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50 Results
Fruit Grower Report
The USDA says farmers who hire H-2A laborers next year will be paying higher wages, and in some cases, the increase is large.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Fiscal year 2024 is not looking good for farm exports, already down through 11 months tabulated for fiscal year 2023.
Fruit Grower Report
The numbers are in for Washington's 2022 wine grape harvest and show it was a great year for both quantity AND quality!
Fruit Grower Report
The numbers are in for Washington's 2022 wine grape harvest and show it was a great year for both quantity AND quality!
Fruit Grower Report
American Farm Bureau economist Veronica Nigh breaks down the latest USDA forecast for farm income.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Calendar year net farm income for 2022 is up nearly $20 billion and it's not solely attributable to inflation.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The price difference between diesel and gas has many scratching their heads, and AFBF Senior Economist Veronica Nigh says it's as simple as supply and demand.
Southeast Regional Ag News
However, after adjusting for inflation, 2022 year-to-date exports are up four percent by value compared to the same period last year.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Prices rise in grain and energy sectors as Russian invasion of Ukraine continues.
Southeast Regional Ag News
USDA data shows 2021 exports of U.S. farm and food products totaled $177 billion, 18 percent higher than 2020 and nearly 15 percent higher than the previous record set in 2014. But is it because we exported more? Or because what we exported was worth more?
Fruit Grower Report
The Walls is a winery in, no surprise, Walla Walla that founder Mike Martin says can be a Wonderful Nightmare!
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Food and Fuel inflation continues to challenge both consumers and producers.
Fruit Grower Report
The Walls is a winery in, no surprise, Walla Walla that founder Mike Martin says can be a Wonderful Nightmare!
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
U.S. exports are up this year, led by a significant increase in exports to China.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The latest in technological advances are great, but it's the people who make or break the operations on your farm, according to former Hard Rock International executive Jim Knight.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
The latest in technological advances are great, but it's the people who make or break the operations on your farm, according to former Hard Rock International executive Jim Knight.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
USDA projects farm income for fiscal year 2021 to be up 19.5%.
Fruit Grower Report
The 4th of July cookout should cost about the same as last year, unless you eat a lot of strawberries.
Fruit Grower Report
The aptly-named Walls Wine in Walla Walla, has a wonderful nightmare of a wine you'll want to try.
Fruit Grower Report
The aptly-named Walls Wine in Walla Walla, has a wonderful nightmare of a wine you'll want to try.