Legislation Aims to Modernize California's Water Plan

Legislation Aims to Modernize California's Water Plan

Haylie Shipp
Haylie Shipp
Senator Anna M. Caballero has introduced Senate Bill 72, known as California Water for All. According to a press release from the senator’s office, this landmark legislation aims to modernize the California Water Plan, setting long-term water supply targets to address the state’s intensifying climate challenges.

The release continues on to state that SB 72 responds to urgent issues like prolonged droughts, aging infrastructure, wildfires, and climate change. It establishes a plan to secure water for urban, agricultural, and environmental needs, ensuring resilience for California’s economy and communities.

The legislation sets an interim goal of adding 9 million acre-feet of water supply by 2040, with a 50-year planning horizon to guide long-term targets. To achieve these, state agencies will collaborate with local water providers and other stakeholders.

Without intervention, studies predict a water shortfall of up to 9 million acre-feet annually by 2050—enough to irrigate 3 million acres of farmland.

For more information, visit https://sd14.senate.ca.gov/news/press-release/senator-anna-m-caballero-introduces-sb-72-california-water-all-modernize-water

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