What says Idaho agriculture more than wheat? So many producers farming thousands and thousands of acres under wheat are undoubtedly making plans for the coming planting season, so let’s take a look at some elements that could influence decision making.A somewhat quiet January outlook on both U.S. and world wheat. Usda. World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Czekanowski says for the global wheat balance sheet, global. Speaker2: Consumption was reduced about 600,000 tonnes. Feed use a component of that was reduced to 100,000 tonnes. Trade we reduced 1.7 million tonnes. So when you add up all the changes across the global balance sheet, we end up with a 1 million tonne increase in ending stocks this month. But even with that increase, we're still looking at the tightest global ending stocks since 20 1516. Speaker1: Turning to the domestic ledger. Speaker2: We raised our wheat import forecast 5 million bushels, reflecting the recent import pace. Small change in wheat seed use. Small change in ending stocks up 3 million bushels. Speaker1: With the season ending average price forecast lowered one nickel from the previous month. Now at $5.55 a bushel.