Corn Market Trends Begin 2025 With Strong Note

Lorrie Boyer
"Yeah, so we've seen some really good strength in the grain market, grain and oil seed markets in 2025 with managed money, really aggressively purchasing corn. They're close to, not at, but close to a record net long position. And so one of the trends is this, continuous buying."
Doherty explains why there is continuous corn buying going on
"A variety of reasons, but primarily would be, I guess if I had to rank them, they started buying when corn was a really good value. And what I mean by value is, if you were to go out and buy a bushel of corn, you could buy it for less than a cost to grow it. And so that's what I call a bargain or value. So a lot of value buys by end users. We saw exports really rapidly pick up this year, and we've seen a lot of investment money come into the corn market.
As for what is driving the trend."
Doherty says mainly it's USDA, as they put out bullish reports in November, December and January, with the January report actually dropping the national corn yield for bushels per acre, which is a tightening of the US corn carry out supply with today's line on agriculture report, I'm Lorrie Boyer.