Federal Milk Marketing Approved

Lorrie Boyer
“The final rule, which contains the regulatory language, has been published in the Federal Register, and it will become effective June 1, with the exception of the milk composition factors, which will become effective on December 1. So we're delighted to have this rule out. It will provide the industry with information going forward as they plan in 2025.”
In response, the National Milk Producers Federation is thanking USDA and the dozens of farmers and cooperative leaders who successfully steered the federal milk marketing order modernization to a successful conclusion. The new order comes after more than 200 National Milk led meetings to formulate the proposal that contributed heavily to us, days final decision, as well as a record length, 49 day federal order, hearing and approval from the farmers who are covered under all federal milk marketing orders. National Milk says they will also continue pushing for elements of the proposal that require congressional authorization, including mandatory dairy manufacturing cost reporting to provide accurate, transparent data to inform future milk pricing discussions.
With today's Line on Agriculture Report, I'm Lorrie Boyer.