Rohrbachs reflect

Rohrbachs reflect

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Father and son, Joe and Raymond Rohrbach reflect on their years of farming together. A very touching story. The day we got into the corn, had a lot of fun doing corn, chasing the deer around and shoot a pheasant once in a while. It was a lot of fun. I'll have to say this about him. He was a real partner, really, to work with all those years. I just been real proud of the fact that he and I got to farm and run combines and stuff together for over 40 years. It's been quite a journey. I'm just really glad to see my boys and grandsons getting into this thing. It's a very challenging thing to do nowadays with the cost of everything. Hopefully things will continue where they can make a living at it. Cost more to put a tire on one of those combines now than we paid for the first one. To start out, when Clint was a little boy, you could tell that he was totally interested in farm equipment, always wanted to be there helping run stuff and learn about things. And all through high school, if he wasn't in school, he was out running equipment and helping farm, and he was out working, making money, you know, wages and stuff. As a young boy, it was real fun having him there that young. He was totally interested in it. It was very enjoyable having him that young there, just like I was with my dad. What a legacy.
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