Imagine a farmer telling you that his working farm is a side gig. He’s actually got a real day job. Does that make any sense?? Well, Farm income is one of the categories studied within USDA's annual America's Farms and Ranches at a glance report, and one of the authors of this study, Catherine Lim, says 2023 farm income trends include. Speaker2: We find that they exceeded those of U.S. households generally, but actually the majority of farm households had farming losses and were receiving the majority of their income from off farm sources. Speaker1: She elaborates on the negative household farm income trend. Over half of farm households received negative net farm income, so that is net of expenses. And so that does kind of imply that they're relying on off farm sources for some of their income. Speaker1: The reliance on off farm income varies among farm households, from 99% of households associated with off farm occupation farms to 11% of households that were the principal operator of a very large farm.