Teff as a cereal

Teff as a cereal

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Falling crop prices, shrinking profit margins or no profits at all. This has been the trend since 2022. So when is this going to turn around? Speaker2: It's a tough question. I mean, it's a natural question, but it's a tough question and I don't have a good answer. Speaker1: But we'll take this answer anyway from USDA's chief economist, Seth Meyer. He says in years when farm income turns really good. Speaker2: What happens is you get this confluence of forces which add a shock and give you a short price run until the market resolves itself. Right. Whether that's a series of combined supply shocks from weather around the world, or whether it's a war, or whether it's some other event that comes along and knocks us off this path of narrow margins. So I don't know how long it's going to last. But if you look back in time, these narrow margin periods are more common than these, than 2022 type years by far. Speaker1: Meyer says that's why smart producers set aside money during the good times to have when times are not so good.
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