Russian wheat

Russian wheat

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Globally. Wheat production is it is up. Um, you know, we're looking at, uh, total, uh, wheat production globally of about 794.7 million tonnes, uh, for, you know, the current 24, 25, uh, marketing year. That's up about that's up just over 4.3 million tonnes year over year. So supply wheat supplies are relatively abundant. This from USDA Outlook Chairman Mark Czekanowski. Speaker1: In the 80s and early 90s, Russia, in order to feed its people, had to buy huge amounts of U.S. grain, particularly wheat. But since then. Speaker2: Russia has emerged over the past few decades to be the dominant global supplier of wheat. Speaker1: A quarter of all the wheat that's bought and sold around the world comes from Russia. In fact, Russia's prolific wheat production and exports have made global wheat supplies abundant and may be one reason for U.S. wheat acreage steadily declining over the past 50 years. Mark says farmers in Russia and other nations. Speaker2: Have expanded production, have kind of developed more of a competitive advantage in wheat, where our competitive advantage is, you know, really emerged more in corn and soybeans and other crops. Speaker1: Over the last few months. Russia's wheat exports have soared to record high levels.
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