Renewable Fuels Association New Chair Shares Priorties

Lorrie Boyer
“You know, the upcoming election, I think, will be pivotal for the ethanol industry, regardless of who wins, we need to immediately establish relationships with the new leaders in Washington. The first six months of any new administration, really are. We've seen it. These guys are trying to learn as much as we're trying to teach them. It's very chaotic, I guess. But I think organizations like the like the renewable fuse Association, excel at getting out there and making those, those connections with the right, right policy makers, you know, and on top of that, everyone talks about it, and it's, it's a 40 5z tax credit. Gosh, we need clarity. I end that. I mean, part of the inflation Reduction Act is crucial incentive for the ethanol industry, but much remains unclear. Uh, preserving and gaining further guidance on 40 5z and other Ira credits is essential promote our industry's growth. We're at a critical juncture where more specific direction from the IRS is necessary. And you know, along with that, the expansion of e 15, the momentum is, has been amazing.”
And, of course, the Renewable Fuel Standard is a priority, according to Eastman, stating that it is key to the ethanol industry.