Sound Agriculture Reduces Farmer Risk With Efficient Acre Program

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
In the current agricultural economy farmers are actively looking for ways to manage their risk. Some agribusinesses are creating programs to make sure they share in some of the risk of their products working for farmers. Kaitlin Fitzgerald described Sound Agriculture’s Efficient Acre program to go along with their SOURCE product.
Fitzgerald… “One of the core things we're really focused on is how can we deliver this comprehensive solution? So for those who aren't familiar with the SOURCE product, it is a signaling molecule that helps stimulate native microbes to deliver more efficient crop nutrition. And so in order to get growers to lean into reducing and optimizing fertilizer on their acres, last year we rolled out a guarantee program. So we're guaranteeing up to a hundred dollars an acre, no risk of yield drag. When they're reducing. This year we took that one step further with our Efficient Acre program, we're actually paying growers $5 per acre for reducing 25 pounds of nitrogen and $5 per acre for reducing 25 pounds of P. So up to 10 bucks an acre into your pocket on top of that guarantee. And for us, it's really about what can we do in order to drive the practices and drive the outcomes that we're looking to do with our product.”
Fitzgerald said this incentive can also be stacked via their recent partnership with Fractal Agriculture.