Data Backbone

Data Backbone

Tim Hammerich
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
This is Tim Hammerich of the Ag Information Network with your Farm of the Future Report.

As more and more digital technology hits the farm, it seems the data problems in agriculture just get worse and worse. Jeff Schreiner, vice president of global collaboration at Cultura Tech believes agriculture should establish a general framework customizable to different agribusiness needs.

Schreiner... "So if we create a backbone that we can tap into, let each business figure out how best to assimilate that data into their own processes. Same basic premise I think that we're going to have to in agriculture. Maybe we don't have to solve everything from agronomy, detailing compliance to greed standards, to, you know, upstream trade rule dynamic changes or regulatory pressures. Maybe what we need to do is just start simple and say, We're okay with creating one single sharing mechanism across the board. We're all going to line around that, you know, somehow. And then the outcomes will kind of be a byproduct of a basic solve like that. But it's not going to be the exit, the access and the execution and the trade itself that makes, you know, makes the difference. And I think that might be one of our issues too is we shouldn't be hanging our hat on, well, I got this special technology that, you know, is better than someone else's down the street. You know, I think we just got to be better at the planning side of things."

Schreniner believes once this data backbone is established, more collaboration and better outcomes will take place.

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