FL Girl Scout Promotes Composting as Part of Gold Award

FL Girl Scout Promotes Composting as Part of Gold Award

Haylie Shipp
Haylie Shipp
Today we are starting a two-part conversation that was brought to me by Florida Girl Scout Summer Davies as she works towards her Gold Award…

“You are able to inform the local community or national community about a well-known issue or world problem that you would like people to take notice of and maybe develop a solution.”

Now 17 and a Girl Scout since kindergarten, Summer is using this opportunity to focus on composting…

“According to the USDA, fertilizers annually cost 73% more than they did in 2020 and result in a 17.5% loss in all on-farm production expenditures. My solution is composting; the decomposition of dead organic matter in oxygenated conditions.”

Davies explained composting to me as a form of organic agriculture relying on farm internal outputs in lieu of fossil fuels…

“The decomposed matter actually displaces the need for chemical fertilizers and improves soil health and workability for enhanced nutrient uptake in crops. Composting also adds beneficial microorganisms to soils, which decreases pesticide application and expenses. Finally, agricultural soils with compost are able to retain more moisture and carbon, which is beneficial during this period with drastically changing climates.”

Join us again tomorrow and Davies will drop us the basics for getting started. You can get amore in-depth informational presentation from Davies here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGL309zLIo/pVYTaW6_zlqS5SeiCgHxkQ/view?utm_content=DAGL309zLIo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor#1

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