CCA Reimbursement

CCA Reimbursement

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, this is today’s Fruit Grower Report. For the past year and a half, ag producers have been paying Climate Commitment Act surcharges for fuel that they’re legally exempt from.

However, Jon DeVaney, president of the Washington State Tree Fruit Association, says during the last legislative session funds were set aside for reimbursements …

DeVANEY … “There is work going on now to implement the distribution of those payments, those $30 million authorized to help producers who were being charged those additional fuel costs that they should have been exempted from in the statute.”

Now, DeVaney says they’re working on a plan …

DeVANEY … “The task of implementing that program was given to the State Department of Licensing and they’re in the process of talking to the ag organizations about what kind of information might growers need to have and how could they collect it file for those reimbursements.”

So, this, DeVaney says is a heads-up ...

DeVANEY … “Producers, if they have not already done so, should start compiling all of their fuel receipts from the last year-and-a-half so that they’re prepared to demonstrate that, yes indeed, they were agricultural producers using fuel and being charged these additional fuel costs they should have not had to pay.”

DeVaney says it’s time to get on it …

DeVANEY … “And have that information available to submit to the Department of Licensing through an online portal that’s being set up.”

DeVaney says they’re also working on alternative means to submit your documents if you have limited internet access.

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