California Almond Crop Estimates and North American Cattlemen Meet
From the Ag Information Network, this is your Agribusiness Update.**California’s 2024 almond crop is expected to come in at 3 billion pounds, which would make it the second-largest crop on record behind 2020, according to the USDA’s National Ag Statistics Service.
In its California Almond Forecast, the agency says this year’s harvest is expected to be 21% more than the 2.47 billion pounds produced last year.
The almond crop benefited from largely favorable weather that helped boost honeybee pollination.
**The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association along with their Canadian and Mexican counterparts signed a joint statement pledging to work together on a number of issues.
The three groups are also calling on the U.S., Mexican, and Canadian governments to re-engage in opening markets for beef exports and provide stronger science-based oversight of beef imports.
Unfortunately, the three governments have expanded market access for beef IMPORTS while providing fewer opportunities for exports.
**A new report from The Hill says pharmaceutical, manufacturing, and agriculture interests have combined to spend over $400 million lobbying Congress on a new farm
The report also found that between 2019 and 2023, giant agribusinesses, and food and ag industry associations reported a combined $523 million in federal lobby expenditures on ‘farm bill’ issues.
The report says agribusiness lobbying has steadily increased, up 22% in the past five years.