Georgia Peaches On Track and Certified Organic Record
From the Ag Information Network, this is your Agribusiness Update.**Georgia Peaches are poised to kick off an unprecedented run through produce departments and farmer’s markets across North America. reports the signature sweet taste of Georgia's legendary fruit was truly missed last season and the Georgia Peach Council is predicting a record-breaking crop.
Harvest began in early May and will stretch into late August.
Last year, an April freeze wiped out an estimated 98% of the state’s commercial peach crop.
**U.S. sales of certified organic products in 2023 reached a new record.
According to the 2024 Organic Industry Survey released by the Organic Trade Association, dollar sales for the American organic marketplace hit $69.7 billion last year, up 3.4%.
Produce held its spot as the largest organic category, continuing to be the primary point of entry for consumers into the organic market.
Last year, the produce category grew 2.6%.
**The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the food price index was unchanged in April after increasing 0.1% in March, but the index for “food-at-home” decreased 0.2%.
Three of the six major grocery store food group indexes decreased in April, while the remaining three were up.
The price index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs decreased by 0.7%.
The fruits and vegetables index declined 0.8%.
The food-at-home index rose 1.1% over the past year.