Fall Fertilizer

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
With the fall approaching, it’s time to start thinking about transitioning to winter wheat fertilizer applications. Helena Agri-Enterprise agronomy sales rep Zach St. John says that no matter what the season, ensuring maximum availability and uptake of soil nutrients is critical.
St. John… “Soil characteristics and nutrient interactions in the soil affect the availability of soil-applied nitrogen. Nitrogen is an important input for fall fertilization practices but is highly susceptible to loss pathways. As much as 25% of fall applied deep-band UAN is lost through leaching of nitrate through the soil profile and below the root zone.”
St. John said their cornerstone product for root uptake and nitrogen use efficiency is Hydra-Hume 0-0-1.
St. John… “This product offers multiple modes of action to retain nitrate-nitrogen in the soil, allowing for increased root uptake opportunity. Local trial work from the Pacific Northwest confirmed that Hydra-Hume 0-0-1 held nitrogen in the soil profile and improved fertilizer use efficiency. When compared to the standard fertilizer treatment, Hydra-Hume 0-0-1 allowed for 10 less units of applied nitrogen and maintained an additional 27 units of nitrogen in the soil profile. Hydra-Hume 0-0-1 is a liquid formulation, compatible with a wide range of liquid fertilizer mixes.”
Visit helenaagri.com for more information about Resurge and Hydra-Hume.