Row Crop Farmers Encouraged to Enroll in Farmers for Soil Health
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
New cost-sharing incentives for sustainable practices are available through two separate USDA Climate Smart Commodities grants awarded to National Pork Board and partners. Jamie Burr, the chief sustainability officer at the National Pork Board describes Farmers for Soil Health, a $95 million grant and initiative led by National Pork Board, United Soybean Board and National Corn Growers Association.
Burr… “According to USDA, there is 50 million acres of cover crops that's planted every year. And the goal in this particular grant is to take it to 30 million. So, it's the doubling amount of cover crops across the upper Midwest in 20 states.”
Burr said this grant opportunity reinforces pork producers’ long-term commitment to sustainability.
Burr… “You know, we have this grant, but you know, all of that money just didn't come from USDA, there was some matching. We had to put some checkoff dollars against that as well. So, it is, as they say, putting our money where our mouth is on the commitment for pork producers to implement practices that continue to improve environmental outcomes.”
Participating farmers who plant cover crops will receive payments to help transition totaling $50, spanning three years, per new acre of cover crops planted. Payments of $2 per acre are also available for up to 600,000 acres of existing cover crops.
Farmers can enroll at