BSE Case Causes Import Halt
This is Matt Rice with the Ag Information Network and today’s Market Line Report for Friday. China halts imports from Brazil after a case of Mad Cow Disease developed. Let’s go to Ted Seifried with the CME Group to hear more.Chicago Soft Red Winter Wheat prices for May closed the day Up ½, to finish at 7-50 ½. May Corn was Dn 15, to finish the day at 6-59 ¼. Kansas City Hard Red Winter Wheat prices for May were Dn 12 ¾, to settle at 8-56 ¾.
Portland prices for Club Wheat with 10 ½ % Protein was Unch, ranging from 8-45 to 8-95. Soft white wheat with 10 ½ % Protein prices for April were Dn 04 - Unch, ranging 8-30 to 8-70. Hard Red Winter Wheat with 11 ½ percent Protein prices for May were Dn 12 ¾, settling at 9-96 ¾. DNS wheat with 14 % protein, prices for April were Dn 5, ranging from 9-89 to 9-99.
Live Cattle for April were Up $.25, closing at 165.32 ½. March Feeder Cattle were Up $1.25 to finish the day at 189.22 ½. March Class III milk was Dn $.04, to settle at 17.76.