Ag Fuel Overcharge Pt 2
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson. The Washington Farm Bureau is working with lawmakers for a legislative fix to the Climate Commitment Act that took effect January 1st.The problem, according to the Farm Bureau’s Director of
Governmental Affairs, Bre Elsey, is that farmers are being charged roughly 40 cents per gallon for a carbon fee they’re supposed to be exempt from …
ELSEY … “And I think the really frustrating part on the part of agriculture, is one, that most farmers are completely unaware this is happening. Because not all of their invoices clearly show a carbon price. So, a significant portion of agriculture has no idea they’re even paying this.”
And then, Esley says, the big question …
ELSEY … “And the two, how on earth was this program allowed to launch without all of those questions answered first? Because, really it means, as the end-user and paying this fee, somebody is violating the law as it is currently written and should never have been allowed to go forward
under those circumstances.”
So, how long until we get answers? …
ELSEY … “Well, first we have to identify what a legislative fix would look like. And so, there are a lot of folks sitting at the table trying to figure out what kind of language needs to be included in order to help fuel distributors find a path forward.”
For farmers, Elsey says this is wrong …
ELSEY … “Yes, and I think they should be furious about that.”
Elsey says contact the Department of Ecology and let them know if you’re being charged this carbon tax.