An elk hunt with a very seasoned elk hunter. Brian Husky went on this year's elk hunt, and after spending time scoping and spotting, he located a big bull that was sitting at the bottom of a canyon. The process began by trying to lure the big guy halfway up the canyon where Brian was set up. Speaker2: The bugle sounded like it was in the bottom of it. I figured I could make my best offer and go halfway down the canyon and see if I could convince the bull to come the other half. And I would call into the elk back and forth. And he eventually sounded like he was coming closer. And so I got my act together and got situated and got ready and ended up calling him in to 21 yards. It was a very intense calling experience with the screaming and the trading of insults back and forth in the elk language through the grunt tube and the bugle. Speaker1: That's hysterical. You were not using cow calls. Speaker2: You know, I always throw a little mix of cow calls or different bull sounds. There's a whole language. And then there's the whole age and gender class of elk that I try to use as different tools in the toolbox to communicate. And you just have to experience with those different sounds to see what works, because every elk has a different personality. And then of course, it's just different moods at the moment. Speaker1: So there's a lesson in elk psychology. Oh, I forgot. Brian has lots of meat in his freezer.