Search: elk
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70 Results
Idaho Ag Today
Let's learn about some of the challenges raising big beans can face and how Kyle Meacham takes them head on.
Retired US Fish and Wildlife biologist Ted Kuch told me a fascinating story about elk hunting.
Outfitter Mike Jenkins from Up Front Outfitters discusses some of the characteristics of Roosevelt Elk.
Avid Elk Hunter Brian Huskey shares some of his experiences with elk spots, so to speak.
A huge part of being associated with sportsman type activities is conservation.
Hunting outfitter and guide Mike Jenkins of Upfront Outfitters, located in Oregon, has a special connection with the Roosevelt Elk.
Retired US Fish and Wildlife biologist Ted Kuch told me a fascinating story about elk hunting.
Seasoned hunter Ted Kuch takes his son, elk hunting for the very first time.
Ken Botley’s a seasoned back country, big game hunter. He has been hunting for years, Is getting ready to hunt again this year.
Christian Quested and his hunting buddy Nathan had a gorgeous bull elk lined up, Christians got him in the sights of his gun, pulls the trigger.
Christian Quested has had a bull right in his sights. Now listen to all it takes to calculate your shot.