Avid Elk Hunter Brian Huskey shares some of his experiences with elk spots, so to speak. I just got back from an archery elk hunting trip just a couple of days ago, as a matter of fact, was fortunate enough to shoot another really nice six by six bull elk with my bow. I'm always searching for new places, and I have this habit of finding elk and being successful on an elk hunt in one particular area. And then the next year, I decided I'm going to go try some other area just because I want to keep exploring. But it's not always productive to fail to take advantage of the learned knowledge and habits and locations of elk from one season to the next. But I just like to roam and explore, and so that makes it kind of hard on myself in terms of returning to places where I know they're elk, when I'm constantly going to new places where I don't know if there are any elk. And there are a lot of places around here that you look at on the map or on Google Earth that look like they should be just full of elk. And you don't know until you get your boots on the ground whether they are actually in there or not. So you've found a bull and it was an archery hunt? Yeah, it was an archery hunt. I'd been total of a combined I think I'd had about 12 days in the field with very few elk encounters. Speaker1: But this time better luck. We'll talk about that in another episode.