Washington Apple Update Pt 1
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with today’s Fruit Grower Report. After an extra 30 plus days of summer weather, it looks like fall has finally arrived.But that extra heat, according to Washington State Tree Fruit Association President Jon DeVaney has likely had some impact on this season’s apple crop …
DeVANEY … “We’re not entirely sure how it’s going to play out overall yet. It was a benefit on some sides and a challenge on others for growers because you had warm weather, which was good picking weather. So, you could get people out there. You weren’t losing days to rain when you need to be picking.”
DeVaney says because of the late start, the warm weather may have helped some …
DeVANEY … “Earlier varieties did have, you know, the weather stayed warm enough that in some cases they were not getting all of the color development that some folks wanted. So, we are seeing a little bit lower totals on Honey Crisp just because some fruit didn’t have the color and features that they wanted and some of it had to be diverted to processor.”
DeVaney says for those other varieties …
DeVANEY … “If it stayed warm, I heard a few folks say that things were progressing rapidly enough that at times was challenging to get everything picked in the time available because, you know, okay, everything’s coming ripe now as it reached maturity and did you have enough crews with enough hours available to work, to get it picked.”
Tune in tomorrow for more on our unusual weather and what it might mean for this year’s apple crop.