Proactive Weed Management

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
As the growing season ramps up, unfortunately so does weed pressure. When considering tools to manage weeds, it’s important to always think about resistance, says Bayer Crop Science crop protection field sales rep Kyle Strachila.
Strachila… “Resistance is something that we are very well aware of here in the PNW. It's not necessarily widespread, but we have resistance to several chemistries, including group one and group two and grassy herbicides, glyphosate resistance as well. So it's something we're well aware about here and from Bayer's perspective, we're doing everything that we can to help educate growers on making sound agronomic decisions, and making sure that resistance doesn't become widespread.”
Strachila says there are important fundamental steps growers can take to mitigate the risk of developing resistant weeds.
Strachila… “The first thing is just to follow all labeled guidelines of the products that you're going to use, making sure that the size and the timing is appropriate for the target weeds. Actively growing small plants are going to be more susceptible to a herbicide application. So making sure it's spring early, that's going to be helpful whenever possible. But, something that I'm a big proponent of is making sure we're mixing up chemistries and mixing up modes of actions.”
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